De Driumph vum Zwaifle

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S'Buch The Triumph of Doubt: Dark Money and the Science of Deception (uff daitsch: Der Triumph des Zweifels: Dunkles Geld und die Wissenschaft der Täuschung) isch 2020 vum David Michaels, än Epidemilogist unn Professor inde Abteilung „Environmental and Occupational Health and Epidemiology“ onde Milken Institute School of Public Health vunde George Washington University. Michaels hodd als „Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health“ unnam U.S. Bresident Barack Obama g'schafd.

Deel vun dem Buch[1] sinn in Boston Review im Janua 2020 vaeffendlichd worre.[2]

S'Buch[Schaffe | Om Gwelltegschd schaffe]

Triumph of Doubt fongd midem Iwwabligg unnam Didel "The Science of Deception." (uff daidsch: "Die Wissenschaft der Täuschung") oa. Nochfolschend bhondeln Kabidel die Aad unn Wais, wiesde Induschdrie glunge isch, des effendlische Vaschdendnis vun wisseschafdliche Erkendnisse zu bschdimmde Brodugd odda Oliesche zu vaschlaijare. Do gehds donn in de Kabidel um Chemikalije, G'hirnerschiddarunge bai Footballschbiela, Opiade, de Klimawondel unn Zugga.[3]

B'werdunge[Schaffe | Om Gwelltegschd schaffe]

Die Aussage vum Buch „Triumph of Doubt“ sinn inde wisseschafdlische Fachzaidschrifde Science Magazine,[4] Nature,[5] iwwabriefd worre unn in onnare CounterPunch,[6] Undark Magazine,[7] Union of Concerned Scientists,[8] unn im San Francisco Review of Books.[9] bschroche worre.

Indaviews middm Michaels iwwa soi Buch sinn im Salon,[10] unn im Chronicle of Higher Education,[11] and in E&E News.[12] vaeffendlischd worre.

Gugschd a uff[Schaffe | Om Gwelltegschd schaffe]

Vawais[Schaffe | Om Gwelltegschd schaffe]

  1. David Michaels, The triumph of doubt: dark money and the science of deception, 2020, Oxford University Press, Oxford - New York, isbn 978-0-19-092266-5, oclc 1089898755
  2. David Michaels, Science for Sale, Boston Review, 21. Januar 2020
  3. David Michaels, The Triumph of Doubt: Dark Money and the Science of Deception, 2020, Oxford University Press, Oxford; New York, isbn 978-0-19-092266-5
  4. Sheril Kirshenbaum, The art of misleading the public, Science, 14. Februar 2020, 367(6479), Seiten 747–747, doi 10.1126/science.aba5495, issn 0036-8075
  5. Felicity Lawrence, Truth decay: when uncertainty is weaponized , Nature, 3. Februar 2020, 578, Seiten 28–29, doi 10.1038/d41586-020-00273-4
  6. Ron Jacobs, The Lies of Industry and the Liars Who Sell Them,, 14. February 2020
  7. Christie Aschwanden, Book Review: Probing the Corporate Manipulation of Science, Undark Magazine, 14. Februar 2020
  8. Book Review: The Triumph of Doubt Exposes the Disinformation Playbook in Action. 14 February 2020. Abgerufen am 14 February 2020.
  9. David Wineberg, Book Review: 'The Triumph of Doubt: Dark Money and the Science of Deception' by David Michaels, San Francisco Review of Books, 26. Oktober 2019
  10. Keith A. Spencer, The art of scientific deception: How corporations use "mercenary science" to evade regulation, Salon, 2. Februar 2020
  11. Francie Diep, Why Scientists Defend Dangerous Industries, The Chronicle of Higher Education |date=24 November 2019, 66(13), issn 0009-5982
  12. Corbin Hiar, PUBLIC HEALTH: Former worker safety chief targets 'science of deception',, 2. Februar 2020