
Vun Wikipedia
Dialegd: Schbaimarisch

De Daiflsb'griff ischn redorische Gniff unnen Deng'gfehla, bai demma Werder b'nudzd, wu die Laid midd ebbes schleschdem in Vabindung bringen. Ebbes was die Zuhera liewa nedd hawwen unn gern vamaide wolln. Der Gniff kerd baide Bolidigga inde USA saide nainziscdha Johr zu ihrm Rebordware, wonnse iwwa ihr bolidische Geschna redden odda iwwa Sache, wuse vahinnare wolln wonnse g'wehld werren.[1][2]

Daiflswerda keren said longem a zude Schbroch vun Religijone.[3]

Bischa[Schaffe | Om Gwelltegschd schaffe]

  • Richard M. Weaver, The Ethics of Rhetoric, Davis CA: Hermagoras Press, 1985 (1953).

Vawais[Schaffe | Om Gwelltegschd schaffe]

  1. Language: A Key Mechanism of Control, Newt Gingrich's 1996 GOPAC memo
  2. Mohan, Caroline, Donald Trump did a “very good” job: A rhetorical analysis of candidate Trump’s campaign speeches (2019). Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019. 632
  3. Jared Halverson: "Devil Words": Ideographic Negativity in Religious Polemic, paper presented at 38th Annual Philosophy of Religion Conference, “The Meaning and Power of Negativity”, Claremont Graduate University; February 2017